We are travelling home via South Georgia and Bird Island- you can keep track of my progress by looking at the Ships webcam which is updated hourly and can be found at: https://www.bas.ac.uk/data/our-data/images/webcams/rrs-ernest-shackleton-webcam/ and on the ship tracker website which can be found at: http://www.sailwx.info/shiptrack/shipposition.phtml?call=ZDLS1
It has been a long and busy season, but a good one. I managed to keep up with the blog until nearly the end- apologies for the lack of posts in the last few weeks however! The recent weeks have flown by. My penguin chicks (and most of the adults) have all gone, and many of the seals have departed for the winter too. Every creature that needed counting/weighing/measuring has been counted/weighed/measured and I am all finished and ready to start my northwards migration.
I will leave you with a few seal pictures to complete my Signy Season. A big pile of snoozing elephant seals.

A small Antarctic fur seal.

And finally, a very content elephant seal, using his companion as a pillow.

I am looking forward to getting home in time for Spring! See you all then!