We have also been lucky to have some lovely weather this season. The view from Signy is second to none when the sun is shining and the sea is full of ice.

January is always a busy time at Signy, both for myself and for the wildlife. The chinstrap penguin chicks are busy hatching, and the Adelie penguins are busy rearing their chicks, some of which are now very large. It will only be a few more weeks til the Adelie chicks leave the colonies and head for the sea. Already the most advanced of these are starting to lose their grey fluffy down to reveal their feathers underneath. When it is cold they huddle together for warmth and protection.

On a hot day the chicks overheat in their thick fluffy jackets, and can often be seen sprawled out flat in the colonies panting, trying to keep cool.

The Giant petrel chick have just started hatching too. These birds can be either white or grey with the percentage of white birds increasing the further south you are. This adult is waiting for its egg to hatch.

The sea ice brings in the Weddell seals. When fully grown they can look rather odd- as if their head and flippers aren't quite large enough for their body.

But when they are youngsters, they have to be one of the most endearing creatures around, with their smiling cat-like faces and soft spotty grey fur.

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