Here we joined the BAS ship the RRS James Clark Ross, which was to take us to Antarctica. With a couple of days to spare in the Falklands we had time for a little bit of exploring. Although it was overcast and windy, so not good for taking particularly inspiring photographs, I still managed to find a few telltale signs of spring...
Here are some Falklands lambs

A family of Crested Ducks

A Pale Maiden flower (the Falklands National Flower)

This is a Rufous Breasted Dotterel

The beaches in the Falklands are vast and empty, and can look rather bleak on a grey day. But it was a relief to be able to stretch our legs and have a good walk after being stuck on a plane for many hours.

A typical Falklands landscape can also look pretty bleak, but there is something very nice about it too.

On 10th November we set sail from the Falklands, heading out into rough seas. The next few days passed in a bit of a blur, involving holding on tightly to your meals to prevent them from escaping from your plate and spreading themselves across the table, battling up and down the stairways, and failing miserably to do things like have a shower with the water falling in all directions except downwards. Even things like getting dressed are more easily done sitting on the floor because when standing, one hand is always needed for hanging on to things! The photo definately doesn't show the pitch and roll of the ship, but it was the best I could do.

After three days we finally arrived at our destination, Signy Island, where the ship was able to get a bit of shelter and we were able to get ashore to open up the station.
The JCR moored just off Signy, once we were ashore.

We arrived to very little snow, and no sea ice, which made opening up the station much easier than last year as we didn't have to dig our way into the buildings. Everything was brought ashore from the ship in the small cargo tender and unloaded. Here you can see just a few of the items- the biggest box is a new fridge, the other wooden one is a new generator, and the grey boxes are filled with random smaller items such as washing up liquid, toothpaste and printer cartridges.

Starting up the station went well, aided by lots of extra help from other people on the ship who are continuing Southwards for a Science Cruise or continuing to be dropped off at Rothera Research Station. After three days, we had all the basics set up (heating, lighting, water, communications) so the ship sailed off, leaving just five of us to unpack and settle down to work.
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