Over the weeks the Adelie penguins have been very busy feeding their ever growing chicks. When the chicks get large enough to be left alone, both parents spend their days at sea fishing. The chicks which now look like big balls of fluff, form creches, huddling together for warmth and protection.

On days when it is snowy or rainy the colonies are filthy from all the penguin guano and the chicks end up rather grubby!

The chicks are very mobile and very comical, providing endless entertainment.
A month behind the Adelies in their breeding cycle, the chinstraps have now just finished hatching. The chicks are still quite small and are being guarded by their parents. This one has two - on a cold day they bury their heads under their parents where it is warmest, and often just two bottoms can be seen!

These two penguins were investigating a Weddell seal sleeping on the rocks.

The skuas have chicks now too. Some of these are getting quite big - fed largely on a diet of eggs and baby penguins. Young skuas are very mobile and start exploring their surroundings as soon as they hatch. They are fiercely defended by their parents against anything that may harm them.

And to finish, here are a couple of pretty ice formations that had formed over a semi frozen stream last week.

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